Sabbath Service – Sunday 21st July 2024

This Sunday we were Blessed to have Darran Dowey of Ebenezer Evangelical Church, Cwmbran Preaching The Word to us and leading us in Worship! The Biblical text for today’s Sermon is John 20:19-31 (NKJV) – we pray you feel the breath of Christ upon you as you listen to our Sabbath Service ❤️

‘“The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ‘ (Numbers 6:24-26) God Bless you and Keep you in this week ahead 🙏

With Love in Christ,

All The Fellowship at Castle Street Church Tredegar x

Our Summer Tea!

This Wednesday we held our celebrated and long-awaited Summer Tea at Castle Street Church Tredegar and it was fantastic!

Starting at 4pm, friends and family of Castle Street Church, Bethel Baptist Church & The ‘ Bethel Knits’ gathered to enjoy a time of community, togetherness, Worship and Teaching with The Word brought to us by Alun Johnson, Co-Pastor of Hope Church at Bethel & Calvary.

It was great to be visited by our Former Pastor Steve and his Wife Yvonne on the day and to share some time together with them – we loved having with you with us! Thanks to our Brilliant Volunteers (including our God-given-in-the-moment Handyman, Lee who fixed the Kitchen Door and helped us to avoid a last-minute potential Hosting disaster!), we all enjoyed a delicious Tea full of every delicious Summer treat possible!

If you missed it this time, you won’t have long to wait until our next Tea which will be on Wednesday 23rd October 2024 when we’ll be celebrating Harvest! If you’d like to join us, let us know and we’ll be sure to save you a seat! No charge, all we ask for is your presence ❤️

Praying you are enjoying Summer, wherever you are or whatever the weather is doing – it’s always Bright in God’s Kingdom, with Jesus Christ as our Light 🐑

‘The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light.’

– Revelation 21:23 –

God Bless and Keep you,

All the Family at Castle Street Church Tredegar x

Sabbath Service – Sunday 30th June 2024

We had a change of pace this Sunday and were joined by the fantastic ‘Vision of Hope’ Rehabilitation and Prison Outreach Charity based in Gilwern, South Wales. We shared such a powerful time of Worship, Testimony and Teaching with Alun Ebenezer – we just can’t wait to see what The LORD does next in the life of this wonderful Charity and the lives of these strong men themselves. May The LORD Jesus Christ Bless you as you listen 🙏

‘The Keep’ – July 2024

Take a look inside this month’s copy of ‘The Keep’ at Castle Street! Click the Magazine below to begin!

‘The Keep’ – July 2024

Sabbath Service – Sunday 23rd June 2024

We were Blessed on this Morning to welcome Carl Hutchings of Bethel Baptist Church Tredegar who came to Castle Street Church to Teach and Preach from God’s Word – Isaiah 41. Our sincere Thanks to Carl for bringing us The Word today! If you’d like to listen to this morning’s Sermon, please click the below link ❤️

Sabbath Service – Sunday 2nd June 2024

We were Blessed on Sunday to welcome Andrew Loose who came to Castle Street Church to Teach and Preach from God’s Word – John 21. Our sincere Thanks to Andrew for recording and uploading the Service to YouTube! If you’d like to watch and listen, please click the below link ❤️

God Bless you and Keep you as you are refreshed in His Word x

‘The Keep’ – June 2024

Take a look inside this month’s copy of ‘The Keep’ at Castle Street! Click the Magazine below to begin!

‘The Keep’ – June 2024

CMJ Visit May 2024

On Wednesday night at 7.30pm, to our joy, we were visited by Ray and Jill Lockhart from The Church’s Ministry Among Jewish People (CMJ UK) who had travelled from Bristol to join us for our Weekly Bible Study & Prayer Meeting!

‘For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.’

– Deuteronomy 14:2 –

We had a wonderful time together, learning to sing in Hebrew to Praise The LORD together, hearing and seeing about the work of CMJ UK and having the personal experiences of Ray & Jill who lived and served in Israel for many years related to us. Since returning home to the UK, the pair spend their time working with CMJ UK and in their own private ministry of prayer – especially praying over the situation in the Middle East today.

We spent a significant portion of the evening discussing the recent tragic events and having them put into both a Biblical and Personal context through the lived experiences of Ray and Jill who were better able to help us grasp some of the societal differences we experience when praying for a different culture.

After a presentation of the work being done and events being held by CMJ UK, we held a short Prayer Meeting to reflect on what we’d heard and seen. It was so encouraging to hear God’s People Praying for those who have forever been Chosen by the Most High, that they might be brought into Everlasting Life by Jesus Christ ❤️

We followed this time together with Refreshments and Fellowship where we had the opportunity to look through the materials that Ray and Jill had brought with them and to get to know them better. The cake was absolutely superb too!

Thank you to all who attended, hosted, made teas and coffee’s, tidied up and lastly – our sincere Thanks to Ray and Jill for coming to teach and encourage us in The LORD’s Work. We look forward to having them back again soon!

May The LORD Bless and Prosper the work of CMJ UK and His People forever, Amen 🙏

3, 2, 1 – Lift Off!

Welcome to our new Castle Street Church, Tredegar Website!

There’s a lot of new things to see and ways you can get involved/keep up-to-date with all of our goings on. Have a good look around and see what we’re doing differently.

What’s not changed is that the Fellowship of Castle Street Church are the same warm, friendly and loving Christians we’ve always been and we look forward to the months and years ahead serving Christ together in our home at Castle Street😊

‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.’

– 2 Corinthians 5:17 –

We pray that you rejoice with us at this fresh breath from The Holy Spirit and that you would encourage us in prayer, that we would receive His strength for the work ahead.

With love in The Saviour,

All of the Fellowship at Castle Street Church, Tredegar x