We are a passionate Fellowship of Evangelical Christians who love the Gospel and seek to honour God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We submit to the Authority of The Bible, seek to know God personally and conform to His Word in every aspect of our lives. We are determined to maintain pure Biblical Doctrine/Teaching and Preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified as our only means of Salvation. We worship God with reverence and in these days of spiritual decline, to plead with Him for Revival.
We meet throughout the week for community engagement and Fellowship, like ‘Noah’s Ark Toddler’s Group’ and ‘Bible Study and Prayer’ with additional meetings that we announce on our ‘News & Events‘ tab, in our monthly in-house magazine called ‘The Keep’ and on our Facebook page.
We currently meet once on Sunday for Sabbath Service at 11am where we Worship, receive Biblical Exposition and Preaching, followed by refreshment and Fellowship afterwards. We are currently without a Pastor but are Blessed with the provision of our Deacon, Mr Paul Williams and a variety of Itinerant Preachers who visit us weekly to preach The Word of The LORD.
Our background as a Chapel is interesting – Founded as ‘Castle Street Congregational Church’ (that means we are self-governing) in 1850, Castle Street Church remains a home to Evangelical Christians of many different backgrounds in Faith but who all agree in the Saving power of our Saviour Jesus Christ and in the power of His inerrant Word, provided for us in The Holy Bible. Keep scrolling to read more about Our History!

We are devoted to Christ and in our service to both His Church and our beautiful community in Tredegar, we share The Gospel and earnestly pray to see lives transformed by the awesome power of The LORD.

We are affiliated with several Evangelical Associations who are working to share Jesus with our corner of the world and we are privileged to stand with them at their various outreaches. Once a month, we meet with our AECW Cluster of Churches to pray for our network of 6 Churches in the Heads of The Valleys, taking turns to host prayer and refreshment afterwards.
– Psalm 133:1 –
‘Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brethren to dwell together in unity!’
Our History