We meet throughout the week in the downstairs Meeting Room at Castle Street Church which can be accessed from both the car park (if entering from Queen Victoria Street) and by the public footpath that runs down the side of the building between Castle Street Church and Tredegar Dental Practice on Duke Street. We meet upstairs in the Main Chapel for Seasonal Services like Easter and Christmas and for special occasions and events like our annual Carol Concert.

Here’s a list of our regular Services & Meetings

Sunday Morning 11am – Sabbath Sermon with Tea & Coffee Fellowship following.

Monday Afternoon 2.30pm – Monthly Ladies Meeting. *Next Meeting is Monday 30th September 2024*

Wednesday Morning 10am – Weekly Noah’s Ark Toddler’s Group.

Wednesday Evening 7.30pm – Weekly Bible Study and Prayer Group.

Friday Morning 10.30am – Weekly Coffee Morning Drop-In. (Come along, say “Hello” and grab a cuppa!)

What To Expect At Our Services

We want everyone to feel completely welcome and at home at any of our Services or Events, please let us know if there is anything we can do to make you comfortable and we’ll do the very best we can 😊

11am Sabbath Service (Sunday)

Ladies Meeting (Monthly on a Monday)

Ladies Meetings are an exciting occasion for the women of our Fellowship and beyond to gather, hear a speaker and share in Fellowship together with Refreshments afterwards.

Noah’s Ark Toddler’s Group (Wednesday Morning)

Bible Study & Prayer (Wednesday Evening)

At 7.30pm on Wednesday Evenings, we meet in the Downstairs Meeting Room for Bible Study & Prayer. This is a time where we re-focus ourselves for the rest of the week so that we can stay close to God and listen for His Voice. A Speaker will lead us through detailed Study (so it’s a good idea to bring a drink and your Bible) and afterwards we have a time of Prayer together. Anyone can raise something that they’d like prayer for so please don’t hesitate to tell us how we can walk with you ❤️

Coffee Morning (Friday)

Coffee Mornings are all about Community and Friendship! Come along, grab a cup of Tea or Coffee (of if cold drinks are more your thing – we have water, milk or squash!) and get chatting 😊

Looking Forward to seeing you soon! x